Sunday, March 29, 2009

Lap Tob Abuse/Over Use

I asked The Dog Catcher if he thought there was a 12 step program for LapTop Abuse. I have gone to the programs for Fabric shopping, Walmart shopping, I REFUSE to go for chocolate consumption. But we need to give careful thought to the time spent on our rear-ends staring at the lap tops. Dog Catcher does genealogy. The Mrs DC goes for the blogs. The things I have found!! Sewing Blogs, Cooking Blogs, Food Storage Blogs you name it. Lots of time reading and absorbing. But it is sucking time vacuum.

So starting Monday my laptop time will correspond directly to the time I spend exercising. Drastic move, but necessary.

Dog Catcher got the tiller running and tilled the area for the Raspberry bed for me. I raked then planted 50 starts. Makes a nice row and NEXT year we will start getting berries!! The Blueberries are still in their pots, but the weather is changing so maybe I'll get them in the ground before we go to Hawaii.

We also got the ground tilled by the new fence and I raked and spread the grass seeds. DC place large rocks on the outside edge to discourage cars form driving over the new grass. This is on the gravel road side of the fence.

Tomorrow we pick-up the new chest freezer!!! I'm excited and ready to start filling it up. Will start with Whites Meats and build from there. Ok time to call it a night. Tomorrow will be a busy day of grocery shopping, dog bathing, tanning, picking up the freezer and organizing the laundry room where it will now live.

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